Gamifiying Course Assignments

Gamifiying Course Assignments

Gamifiying Course Assignments

Centennial IMM
1 week
App Design
Centennial IMM
1 week
App Design
Centennial IMM
1 week
App Design
Course Assignment Gamification
Course Assignment Gamification
Course Assignment Gamification

"As a student, managing video assignments across different platforms is overwhelming. I wish there was a more streamlined approach that lets me upload, edit, and submit videos all in one place without jumping through multiple hoops."

Christian Brown



Ideation | Concept | UI Design


Team of 4 colleagues, consisting of designers, researchers, and a project manager


Figma | Illustrator

As part of the interactive media management course's interactive industry module, we were tasked with gamifying an existing assignment from another module. Our challenge was to integrate the First Peoples' principles of mastery, belonging, generosity, or independence and present it to the class as an interactive experience.

Understanding the problem

Our Approach

We chose the Personal Video project, which involves forming 3 groups in class. Each member takes turns over 5 weeks to handle tasks like operating the camera, lighting, and sound, fostering individual growth while collectively creating videos with the group's support. This collaborative project focuses on developing essential skills such as camera operation, lighting, sound, scriptwriting, and acting, with members rotating roles weekly under the guidance of the director.

When considering innovative presentation methods and revising the assignment delivery, we first identified the principles to incorporate, ultimately selecting belonging and mastery.

Creating a sense of belonging strengthens our team, fostering effective communication and collaboration during our weekly video projects. 

Mastery ensures continuous growth, leading to high-quality videos, streamlined workflow, and a shared commitment to excellence. 

Together, these principles enhance our team spirit, creativity, and motivation, resulting in a rewarding and successful group endeavor for all participants.

Based on our research, we selected the following gamification methods that best align with the requirements of the assignment.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

  1. Enhancing an existing teaching module for increased interactivity.

  2. Integrating First Peoples' principles into the curriculum seamlessly.

  3. Avoiding overt implementation while still reinforcing principles effectively.

  4. Restructuring tasks and assignments to subtly incorporate these principles.

Problem Definition

Making a teaching module more interactive while smoothly including the principles of the First Peoples, without drastically changing what already works well.


In conceptualizing the delivery mode for this "new experience," we determined that an app would be most suitable. Its portability and centralized nature would provide all necessary details over the 5-week period and foster active communication among faculty and team members. We drew inspiration from community-based apps and gaming reward mechanisms for potential incorporation.


During the prototyping phase, I drew inspiration from gamified apps and games to establish a robust design foundation for our gamified app. Utilizing Figma as my primary tool facilitated collaborative and efficient prototyping, while Illustrator and Photoshop helped refine visual elements, resulting in a sleek and polished design crafted specifically for our gamified experience.

Proposed Solution - A Consolidated Platform

An app that offers centralized tracking of weekly video team progress and individual growth, facilitating feedback from professors and other teams. Additionally, it includes a learning section for users to expand their knowledge.


Profile Section

 Users can create and customize their profiles, showcasing their progress and achievements.

Achievement Tokens: Optional display of mastery achievements in specific skills, such as Camera Achievement for excelling in camera roles.

Points System: Each of the five roles (Talent, Camera, Lighting, Audio, and Director) has three tasks worth 100 points each, totaling 1500 points.

Props Section

Weekly directors choose from a selection of aids (props, costumes, etc.) but can only select three items, fostering creative problem-solving and resource management.

Dropbox Section

Pre-shoot script sharing allows for feedback from both the instructor and classmates, enhancing opportunities for improvement.

Learning Section

Tutorial section offers bonus points for engaging with videos and tips, separate from the main points system.


Through developing this app, I've gained invaluable insights into the intricate balance of gamification and educational elements. It's not just about creating a functional tool; it's about fostering engagement, collaboration, and continuous improvement. I've learned the importance of user feedback, iterative design, and adapting to evolving needs. Most importantly, I've realized the transformative potential of technology in enhancing learning experiences and empowering users to achieve their goals.

As part of the interactive media management course's interactive industry module, we were tasked with gamifying an existing assignment from another module. Our challenge was to integrate the First Peoples' principles of mastery, belonging, generosity, or independence and present it to the class as an interactive experience.

Understanding the problem

Our Approach

We chose the Personal Video project, which involves forming 3 groups in class. Each member takes turns over 5 weeks to handle tasks like operating the camera, lighting, and sound, fostering individual growth while collectively creating videos with the group's support. This collaborative project focuses on developing essential skills such as camera operation, lighting, sound, scriptwriting, and acting, with members rotating roles weekly under the guidance of the director.

When considering innovative presentation methods and revising the assignment delivery, we first identified the principles to incorporate, ultimately selecting belonging and mastery.

Creating a sense of belonging strengthens our team, fostering effective communication and collaboration during our weekly video projects. 

Mastery ensures continuous growth, leading to high-quality videos, streamlined workflow, and a shared commitment to excellence. 

Together, these principles enhance our team spirit, creativity, and motivation, resulting in a rewarding and successful group endeavor for all participants.

Based on our research, we selected the following gamification methods that best align with the requirements of the assignment.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

  1. Enhancing an existing teaching module for increased interactivity.

  2. Integrating First Peoples' principles into the curriculum seamlessly.

  3. Avoiding overt implementation while still reinforcing principles effectively.

  4. Restructuring tasks and assignments to subtly incorporate these principles.

Problem Definition

Making a teaching module more interactive while smoothly including the principles of the First Peoples, without drastically changing what already works well.


In conceptualizing the delivery mode for this "new experience," we determined that an app would be most suitable. Its portability and centralized nature would provide all necessary details over the 5-week period and foster active communication among faculty and team members. We drew inspiration from community-based apps and gaming reward mechanisms for potential incorporation.


During the prototyping phase, I drew inspiration from gamified apps and games to establish a robust design foundation for our gamified app. Utilizing Figma as my primary tool facilitated collaborative and efficient prototyping, while Illustrator and Photoshop helped refine visual elements, resulting in a sleek and polished design crafted specifically for our gamified experience.

Proposed Solution - A Consolidated Platform

An app that offers centralized tracking of weekly video team progress and individual growth, facilitating feedback from professors and other teams. Additionally, it includes a learning section for users to expand their knowledge.


Profile Section

 Users can create and customize their profiles, showcasing their progress and achievements.

Achievement Tokens: Optional display of mastery achievements in specific skills, such as Camera Achievement for excelling in camera roles.

Points System: Each of the five roles (Talent, Camera, Lighting, Audio, and Director) has three tasks worth 100 points each, totaling 1500 points.

Props Section

Weekly directors choose from a selection of aids (props, costumes, etc.) but can only select three items, fostering creative problem-solving and resource management.

Dropbox Section

Pre-shoot script sharing allows for feedback from both the instructor and classmates, enhancing opportunities for improvement.

Learning Section

Tutorial section offers bonus points for engaging with videos and tips, separate from the main points system.


Through developing this app, I've gained invaluable insights into the intricate balance of gamification and educational elements. It's not just about creating a functional tool; it's about fostering engagement, collaboration, and continuous improvement. I've learned the importance of user feedback, iterative design, and adapting to evolving needs. Most importantly, I've realized the transformative potential of technology in enhancing learning experiences and empowering users to achieve their goals.

As part of the interactive media management course's interactive industry module, we were tasked with gamifying an existing assignment from another module. Our challenge was to integrate the First Peoples' principles of mastery, belonging, generosity, or independence and present it to the class as an interactive experience.

Understanding the problem

Our Approach

We chose the Personal Video project, which involves forming 3 groups in class. Each member takes turns over 5 weeks to handle tasks like operating the camera, lighting, and sound, fostering individual growth while collectively creating videos with the group's support. This collaborative project focuses on developing essential skills such as camera operation, lighting, sound, scriptwriting, and acting, with members rotating roles weekly under the guidance of the director.

When considering innovative presentation methods and revising the assignment delivery, we first identified the principles to incorporate, ultimately selecting belonging and mastery.

Creating a sense of belonging strengthens our team, fostering effective communication and collaboration during our weekly video projects. 

Mastery ensures continuous growth, leading to high-quality videos, streamlined workflow, and a shared commitment to excellence. 

Together, these principles enhance our team spirit, creativity, and motivation, resulting in a rewarding and successful group endeavor for all participants.

Based on our research, we selected the following gamification methods that best align with the requirements of the assignment.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

  1. Enhancing an existing teaching module for increased interactivity.

  2. Integrating First Peoples' principles into the curriculum seamlessly.

  3. Avoiding overt implementation while still reinforcing principles effectively.

  4. Restructuring tasks and assignments to subtly incorporate these principles.

Problem Definition

Making a teaching module more interactive while smoothly including the principles of the First Peoples, without drastically changing what already works well.


In conceptualizing the delivery mode for this "new experience," we determined that an app would be most suitable. Its portability and centralized nature would provide all necessary details over the 5-week period and foster active communication among faculty and team members. We drew inspiration from community-based apps and gaming reward mechanisms for potential incorporation.


During the prototyping phase, I drew inspiration from gamified apps and games to establish a robust design foundation for our gamified app. Utilizing Figma as my primary tool facilitated collaborative and efficient prototyping, while Illustrator and Photoshop helped refine visual elements, resulting in a sleek and polished design crafted specifically for our gamified experience.

Proposed Solution - A Consolidated Platform

An app that offers centralized tracking of weekly video team progress and individual growth, facilitating feedback from professors and other teams. Additionally, it includes a learning section for users to expand their knowledge.


Profile Section

 Users can create and customize their profiles, showcasing their progress and achievements.

Achievement Tokens: Optional display of mastery achievements in specific skills, such as Camera Achievement for excelling in camera roles.

Points System: Each of the five roles (Talent, Camera, Lighting, Audio, and Director) has three tasks worth 100 points each, totaling 1500 points.

Props Section

Weekly directors choose from a selection of aids (props, costumes, etc.) but can only select three items, fostering creative problem-solving and resource management.

Dropbox Section

Pre-shoot script sharing allows for feedback from both the instructor and classmates, enhancing opportunities for improvement.

Learning Section

Tutorial section offers bonus points for engaging with videos and tips, separate from the main points system.


Through developing this app, I've gained invaluable insights into the intricate balance of gamification and educational elements. It's not just about creating a functional tool; it's about fostering engagement, collaboration, and continuous improvement. I've learned the importance of user feedback, iterative design, and adapting to evolving needs. Most importantly, I've realized the transformative potential of technology in enhancing learning experiences and empowering users to achieve their goals.

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