Visage - Skincare Simplified

Visage - Skincare Simplified

Visage - Skincare Simplified

Centennial IMM
4 months
App Design
Centennial IMM
4 months
App Design
Centennial IMM
4 months
App Design
Visage Skincare App
Visage Skincare App
Visage Skincare App

"I think all of our skin types vary and following one person’s skincare routine or recommendation might not work for everyone. It took some trial and error for me to find the products I use today."

Alice Zachariah

Survey Respondent


Ideation | Concept | UX Research | UI Design


​I am the sole Product Owner, Product Designer, & UX & UI Designer


Figma | Miro |Illustrator

This project originated from my observations in Canada and my own youth experiences. I noticed how newcomers to skincare, especially young people, are easily influenced by popular products without understanding the ingredients. 

Reflecting on my own skincare journey, I saw the need for a comprehensive platform offering reliable information and guidance. This inspired me to develop this project.

This four-month project, undertaken during my college years, benefited greatly from the invaluable feedback I received. Mentors with expertise in the skincare industry, along with my instructors, provided constructive comments that significantly contributed to the development of the solution.

Understanding the problem

My Approach

I began this project with thorough research and interviews to validate my ideas. Conducting user interviews both in person and through Google Forms, I identified a need for a centralized solution to address key skincare challenges. 

The target users were identified based on their familiarity with skincare:

  1. Beginner users: New to skincare, motivated by skin conditions or social media. They need clear, simple content and guidance to develop basic routines.

  2. Avid users: Have established routines and frequently shop for the latest products. They value curated content, advanced product info, and exclusive offers.

  3. Casual users: Use a few familiar products without a specific routine. They need simple, effective solutions and personalized recommendations to enhance their skincare practices.

Supplementary Research Methods

Supplementary research methods provided deeper insights and validated our findings, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

  1. Comparative Analysis: Evaluating similar products and services helped identify best practices and areas for improvement.

  2. User Interviews: Conducting interviews with key stakeholders provided direct insights into specific needs and challenges.

  3. Personas: Developing personas allowed us to understand the diverse user base and tailor the solution to their specific needs.

I learned that The skincare industry is growing rapidly, proving resilient amid global economic shifts. Skincare has become a vital aspect of self-care, but misinformation leads to trend-driven, impulsive purchases.

A streamlined skincare app could be a transformative solution in this context.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

Based on the research there were a few key challenges that were highlighted.

  1. Information Overload: Dealing with an overwhelming amount of information from various sources, users struggle to navigate through the vast array of skincare options available in the market, leading to confusion and indecision.

  2. Self-Taught Learning: Individuals rely heavily on self-education through online resources such as Google, social media, and blogs. However, this self-learning approach often results in a trial-and-error process, making it challenging to understand and adopt new skincare routines effectively.

  3. Social Media Skepticism: Despite being a significant source of skincare information, social media raises skepticism among users due to paid collaborations and doubts regarding the authenticity and effectiveness of product reviews.

  4. Routine Challenges: Maintaining a consistent skincare routine poses difficulties for some users, stemming from concerns about product pricing and the struggle to stick to a regular regimen.

Problem definition

The lack of a centralized platform for skincare enthusiasts to understand the intricacies of products and their usage impacts their budget, time, and potential skincare outcomes. This often leads to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and an inclination to abandon their skincare journey.


How might we empower skincare users to understand and feel confident in their skin, improve their routines, and find the most optimal skincare regimen for themselves without wasting time and money, thereby avoiding feelings of frustration and the possibility of abandoning their skincare journey?


UX theme: Simplify Skincare

Where Education Meets Empowerment in Every Skincare Step!

To develop this idea, I focused on addressing key pain points and designing the user experience I wanted to provide. Using these pain points as sources of inspiration and areas for improvement, I aimed to create an app that would offer:

  1. Empowerment: Enabling users to take control of their skincare journey with access to information and resources that facilitate informed decision-making.

  2. Personalization: Providing tailored recommendations based on individual skin types, concerns, and preferences to meet each user's unique needs.

  3. Community Support: Fostering a sense of community within the app, allowing users to connect with peers, ask questions, and share their skincare experiences for encouragement and advice.

  4. Progress Tracking: Offering tools for users to monitor their skincare progress with features like progress logs, before-and-after comparisons, and reminders to maintain consistency and track improvements over time.


For the prototyping process, I leveraged references from competitive brands to ensure a robust design foundation. My primary tool was Figma, which facilitated collaborative and efficient prototyping. Additionally, I utilized Illustrator and Photoshop for creating detailed elements and refining visual components, ensuring a polished and professional design for Visage.

Proposed Solution - Visage

Given our current understanding of the project,

Presenting, Visage!

Visage is a personalized skin care guidance platform tailored to individuals new to skincare and those already engaged in the field, with the primary goal of enhancing their skin health and fostering a consistent routine. This initiative aims to alleviate the problems of confusion and uncertainty often faced by individuals overwhelmed by the abundant skincare information by providing authenticated information on ingredients, pricing, community reviews, as well as ideal customized routines.


Routine Log:

Users can log their skincare routines, specify products used, and track changes in skin condition over time.

Product Database:

Comprehensive database of skincare products with detailed information, reviews, and ratings.

Community Forums:

Interactive forums where users can ask questions, share experiences, and provide skincare advice.


Developing Visage has been an enlightening journey that taught me the importance of user-centric design and comprehensive research. I learned to balance simplicity with functionality to create an intuitive app that meets diverse user needs.The experience reinforced my understanding of the complexities of skincare and the necessity of reliable, accessible information, ultimately driving my passion for creating meaningful digital solutions.

This project originated from my observations in Canada and my own youth experiences. I noticed how newcomers to skincare, especially young people, are easily influenced by popular products without understanding the ingredients. 

Reflecting on my own skincare journey, I saw the need for a comprehensive platform offering reliable information and guidance. This inspired me to develop this project.

This four-month project, undertaken during my college years, benefited greatly from the invaluable feedback I received. Mentors with expertise in the skincare industry, along with my instructors, provided constructive comments that significantly contributed to the development of the solution.

Understanding the problem

My Approach

I began this project with thorough research and interviews to validate my ideas. Conducting user interviews both in person and through Google Forms, I identified a need for a centralized solution to address key skincare challenges. 

The target users were identified based on their familiarity with skincare:

  1. Beginner users: New to skincare, motivated by skin conditions or social media. They need clear, simple content and guidance to develop basic routines.

  2. Avid users: Have established routines and frequently shop for the latest products. They value curated content, advanced product info, and exclusive offers.

  3. Casual users: Use a few familiar products without a specific routine. They need simple, effective solutions and personalized recommendations to enhance their skincare practices.

Supplementary Research Methods

Supplementary research methods provided deeper insights and validated our findings, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

  1. Comparative Analysis: Evaluating similar products and services helped identify best practices and areas for improvement.

  2. User Interviews: Conducting interviews with key stakeholders provided direct insights into specific needs and challenges.

  3. Personas: Developing personas allowed us to understand the diverse user base and tailor the solution to their specific needs.

I learned that The skincare industry is growing rapidly, proving resilient amid global economic shifts. Skincare has become a vital aspect of self-care, but misinformation leads to trend-driven, impulsive purchases.

A streamlined skincare app could be a transformative solution in this context.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

Based on the research there were a few key challenges that were highlighted.

  1. Information Overload: Dealing with an overwhelming amount of information from various sources, users struggle to navigate through the vast array of skincare options available in the market, leading to confusion and indecision.

  2. Self-Taught Learning: Individuals rely heavily on self-education through online resources such as Google, social media, and blogs. However, this self-learning approach often results in a trial-and-error process, making it challenging to understand and adopt new skincare routines effectively.

  3. Social Media Skepticism: Despite being a significant source of skincare information, social media raises skepticism among users due to paid collaborations and doubts regarding the authenticity and effectiveness of product reviews.

  4. Routine Challenges: Maintaining a consistent skincare routine poses difficulties for some users, stemming from concerns about product pricing and the struggle to stick to a regular regimen.

Problem definition

The lack of a centralized platform for skincare enthusiasts to understand the intricacies of products and their usage impacts their budget, time, and potential skincare outcomes. This often leads to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and an inclination to abandon their skincare journey.


How might we empower skincare users to understand and feel confident in their skin, improve their routines, and find the most optimal skincare regimen for themselves without wasting time and money, thereby avoiding feelings of frustration and the possibility of abandoning their skincare journey?


UX theme: Simplify Skincare

Where Education Meets Empowerment in Every Skincare Step!

To develop this idea, I focused on addressing key pain points and designing the user experience I wanted to provide. Using these pain points as sources of inspiration and areas for improvement, I aimed to create an app that would offer:

  1. Empowerment: Enabling users to take control of their skincare journey with access to information and resources that facilitate informed decision-making.

  2. Personalization: Providing tailored recommendations based on individual skin types, concerns, and preferences to meet each user's unique needs.

  3. Community Support: Fostering a sense of community within the app, allowing users to connect with peers, ask questions, and share their skincare experiences for encouragement and advice.

  4. Progress Tracking: Offering tools for users to monitor their skincare progress with features like progress logs, before-and-after comparisons, and reminders to maintain consistency and track improvements over time.


For the prototyping process, I leveraged references from competitive brands to ensure a robust design foundation. My primary tool was Figma, which facilitated collaborative and efficient prototyping. Additionally, I utilized Illustrator and Photoshop for creating detailed elements and refining visual components, ensuring a polished and professional design for Visage.

Proposed Solution - Visage

Given our current understanding of the project,

Presenting, Visage!

Visage is a personalized skin care guidance platform tailored to individuals new to skincare and those already engaged in the field, with the primary goal of enhancing their skin health and fostering a consistent routine. This initiative aims to alleviate the problems of confusion and uncertainty often faced by individuals overwhelmed by the abundant skincare information by providing authenticated information on ingredients, pricing, community reviews, as well as ideal customized routines.


Routine Log:

Users can log their skincare routines, specify products used, and track changes in skin condition over time.

Product Database:

Comprehensive database of skincare products with detailed information, reviews, and ratings.

Community Forums:

Interactive forums where users can ask questions, share experiences, and provide skincare advice.


Developing Visage has been an enlightening journey that taught me the importance of user-centric design and comprehensive research. I learned to balance simplicity with functionality to create an intuitive app that meets diverse user needs.The experience reinforced my understanding of the complexities of skincare and the necessity of reliable, accessible information, ultimately driving my passion for creating meaningful digital solutions.

This project originated from my observations in Canada and my own youth experiences. I noticed how newcomers to skincare, especially young people, are easily influenced by popular products without understanding the ingredients. 

Reflecting on my own skincare journey, I saw the need for a comprehensive platform offering reliable information and guidance. This inspired me to develop this project.

This four-month project, undertaken during my college years, benefited greatly from the invaluable feedback I received. Mentors with expertise in the skincare industry, along with my instructors, provided constructive comments that significantly contributed to the development of the solution.

Understanding the problem

My Approach

I began this project with thorough research and interviews to validate my ideas. Conducting user interviews both in person and through Google Forms, I identified a need for a centralized solution to address key skincare challenges. 

The target users were identified based on their familiarity with skincare:

  1. Beginner users: New to skincare, motivated by skin conditions or social media. They need clear, simple content and guidance to develop basic routines.

  2. Avid users: Have established routines and frequently shop for the latest products. They value curated content, advanced product info, and exclusive offers.

  3. Casual users: Use a few familiar products without a specific routine. They need simple, effective solutions and personalized recommendations to enhance their skincare practices.

Supplementary Research Methods

Supplementary research methods provided deeper insights and validated our findings, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

  1. Comparative Analysis: Evaluating similar products and services helped identify best practices and areas for improvement.

  2. User Interviews: Conducting interviews with key stakeholders provided direct insights into specific needs and challenges.

  3. Personas: Developing personas allowed us to understand the diverse user base and tailor the solution to their specific needs.

I learned that The skincare industry is growing rapidly, proving resilient amid global economic shifts. Skincare has become a vital aspect of self-care, but misinformation leads to trend-driven, impulsive purchases.

A streamlined skincare app could be a transformative solution in this context.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

Based on the research there were a few key challenges that were highlighted.

  1. Information Overload: Dealing with an overwhelming amount of information from various sources, users struggle to navigate through the vast array of skincare options available in the market, leading to confusion and indecision.

  2. Self-Taught Learning: Individuals rely heavily on self-education through online resources such as Google, social media, and blogs. However, this self-learning approach often results in a trial-and-error process, making it challenging to understand and adopt new skincare routines effectively.

  3. Social Media Skepticism: Despite being a significant source of skincare information, social media raises skepticism among users due to paid collaborations and doubts regarding the authenticity and effectiveness of product reviews.

  4. Routine Challenges: Maintaining a consistent skincare routine poses difficulties for some users, stemming from concerns about product pricing and the struggle to stick to a regular regimen.

Problem definition

The lack of a centralized platform for skincare enthusiasts to understand the intricacies of products and their usage impacts their budget, time, and potential skincare outcomes. This often leads to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and an inclination to abandon their skincare journey.


How might we empower skincare users to understand and feel confident in their skin, improve their routines, and find the most optimal skincare regimen for themselves without wasting time and money, thereby avoiding feelings of frustration and the possibility of abandoning their skincare journey?


UX theme: Simplify Skincare

Where Education Meets Empowerment in Every Skincare Step!

To develop this idea, I focused on addressing key pain points and designing the user experience I wanted to provide. Using these pain points as sources of inspiration and areas for improvement, I aimed to create an app that would offer:

  1. Empowerment: Enabling users to take control of their skincare journey with access to information and resources that facilitate informed decision-making.

  2. Personalization: Providing tailored recommendations based on individual skin types, concerns, and preferences to meet each user's unique needs.

  3. Community Support: Fostering a sense of community within the app, allowing users to connect with peers, ask questions, and share their skincare experiences for encouragement and advice.

  4. Progress Tracking: Offering tools for users to monitor their skincare progress with features like progress logs, before-and-after comparisons, and reminders to maintain consistency and track improvements over time.


For the prototyping process, I leveraged references from competitive brands to ensure a robust design foundation. My primary tool was Figma, which facilitated collaborative and efficient prototyping. Additionally, I utilized Illustrator and Photoshop for creating detailed elements and refining visual components, ensuring a polished and professional design for Visage.

Proposed Solution - Visage

Given our current understanding of the project,

Presenting, Visage!

Visage is a personalized skin care guidance platform tailored to individuals new to skincare and those already engaged in the field, with the primary goal of enhancing their skin health and fostering a consistent routine. This initiative aims to alleviate the problems of confusion and uncertainty often faced by individuals overwhelmed by the abundant skincare information by providing authenticated information on ingredients, pricing, community reviews, as well as ideal customized routines.


Routine Log:

Users can log their skincare routines, specify products used, and track changes in skin condition over time.

Product Database:

Comprehensive database of skincare products with detailed information, reviews, and ratings.

Community Forums:

Interactive forums where users can ask questions, share experiences, and provide skincare advice.


Developing Visage has been an enlightening journey that taught me the importance of user-centric design and comprehensive research. I learned to balance simplicity with functionality to create an intuitive app that meets diverse user needs.The experience reinforced my understanding of the complexities of skincare and the necessity of reliable, accessible information, ultimately driving my passion for creating meaningful digital solutions.

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