Nextus - The Marketing Management Dashboard

Nextus - The Marketing Management Dashboard

Nextus - The Marketing Management Dashboard

Carenet Health
4 months
Web Design
Carenet Health
4 months
Web Design
Carenet Health
4 months
Web Design
Carenet Health Dashboard
Carenet Health Dashboard
Carenet Health Dashboard

“I want to manage everything in one go, so I could minimize the time spent switching between various platforms and enhance efficiency in communication and collaboration.”

Tiffany Jones

Marketing Operations Manager


Ideation | UX Research | UI Design


Team of 4 colleagues, consisting of designers, researchers, and a project manager


Figma | Miro | Illustrator

Carenet Health provides leading healthcare consumer engagement, clinical support, health advocacy, navigation solutions, and 24/7 medical care. Its mission is to drive top consumer engagement outcomes through a proprietary Intelligent Engagement model.

Carenet Health's marketing department struggles with planning, tracking, and managing campaigns due to reliance on multiple tools, causing confusion and delays. A unified, technology-supported solution is needed to streamline campaign management for internal teams and external vendors.

This project aims to propose a digital solution for the client, Carenet Health, to effectively manage marketing campaigns among various internal and external users.

For this project, my team and I, operating under the name Nextus, worked as consultants for Carenet Health.

We presented our ideas collaboratively as a group called Nextus.

Understanding the problem

Our Approach

To effectively address the challenges faced by Carenet Health's marketing department, we divided our research into several key components. This structured approach helps us gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem from multiple perspectives.

Internal Teams:

Understanding the roles and needs of internal teams is crucial for designing a solution that fits seamlessly into their workflows.

  1. Senior Management: We analyzed their oversight role to ensure the solution provides necessary visibility and control, facilitating smooth operations and effective feedback loops.

  2. Marketing Experts: We focused on their daily use of the program to identify critical features needed for monitoring metrics, task tracking, and campaign strategizing.

External Teams:

It is important to consider external users to ensure the solution supports all stakeholders involved in marketing campaigns.

  1. Vendors: We examined how vendors interact with the platform to ensure it allows easy access to assignment information and efficient updating capabilities.

Summary of Research Findings

A thorough summary of our findings consolidates our understanding and provides a clear direction for the solution.

  1. Consolidated Analysis: Reviewing the client's current management tools helps identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

  2. User Experience Insights: Understanding users' experiences and pain points allows us to address specific issues and enhance user satisfaction.

  3. Recommendations: Providing short-term and long-term recommendations ensures the solution offers immediate benefits while planning for future improvements.

Supplementary Research Methods

Supplementary research methods provide deeper insights and validate our findings, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

  1. Current State Analysis: Evaluating the current state of the marketing department's tools and processes helps identify existing gaps and areas for enhancement.

  2. User Interviews: Interviews with key stakeholders, such as Amy Hamilton and Samantha Miller, provide direct insights into specific needs and challenges.

  3. Personas: Creating personas helps us understand the diverse user base and tailor the solution to meet their specific needs.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

Key Challenges Identified by My Team and I:

  1. Unified Platform Management: Overseeing and managing all marketing campaigns on a single platform to reduce confusion and inefficiencies.

  2. Information Accessibility: Facilitating easy access to required information for all team members on the platform.

  3. Campaign Assignment: Grouping and assigning marketing campaigns to various stakeholders with different user access rights.

  4. Report Preparation: Efficiently preparing detailed reports for upper management.

  5. Current System Inefficiencies: Addressing the marketing department's struggle with planning, tracking, and managing campaigns due to reliance on multiple tools and trackers.

  6. Need for Streamlined Solution: Implementing a unified, technology-supported solution to streamline campaign management for both internal teams and external vendors at Carenet Health.

Problem definition

Multiple management tools, with their dispersed natures, leading to a lack of transparency and confusion among the internal teams and external vendors, results in inefficiency and delays in implementing marketing campaigns. 

How might we efficiently manage marketing campaigns with the internal team and external vendors?


UX theme: Effortless Empowerment

Designed to evoke a sense of mastery and control for users navigating our dashboard. Aim for users to understand the simplicity of the intuitive interface fostering confidence in their ability.

In our ideation phase, we focused on creating a top-notch user experience. We wanted users to feel empowered and in control.

  1. We made it a priority to make key information easy to access and management tasks simpler. Our goal was to help users make decisions quickly and get things done smoothly.

  2. Improving reporting for upper management was crucial too. We worked on making reports clear and helpful for decision-making.

  3. We also aimed to save time by reducing the need to switch between different platforms. By making everything more efficient and straightforward, we wanted to make sure users had a seamless experience.


As we crafted the prototype, our attention was dedicated to three main aspects:

Unified Management Dashboard: Our primary aim was to develop a cohesive interface allowing users to oversee key information and manage tasks seamlessly. We collaborated across Figma and Illustrator to design and iterate on the layout, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Enhanced Reporting Features: We worked on enhancing reporting functionalities, enabling users to generate comprehensive reports for upper management. Through collaborative efforts in Figma, we refined the dashboard's reporting tools, ensuring clarity and relevance in the data presentation.

Seamless Integration: Minimizing platform switching was a key focus. We coordinated between Figma and Illustrator to ensure a smooth integration of design elements, optimizing efficiency and coherence across the prototype.

Proposed Solution - A consolidated Dashboard

Presenting, Nextus!

The final solution was a consolidated dashboard for the marketing team, providing a comprehensive view of all marketing processes. This dashboard could also be accessed by senior management.

The dashboard consists of several pages catering to different aspects of management.


On the Overview page

Users can filter data by date and personalize the arrangement of the grid. It provides an overview of key analytics and active campaigns, including details on budget and schedule.

The Campaigns page

Allows users to add campaigns, apply templates, and manage tasks efficiently. Users can also access synchronized boards and initiate conversations using the chat icon.

The Schedule page

Offers a convenient way to organize tasks and campaigns. Users can download schedules, switch between month and week views, and view tasks due on specific days.

In the Budget page

Users can track budget allocations and expenditures. It displays proportions of projected and actual budgets, along with filters for different costs and dates.


Through the development of this app, I've learned the importance of user-centric design and the value of collaboration across different design tools. Creating a unified management dashboard required a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, which helped me prioritize features and streamline workflows. Collaborating across Figma and Illustrator allowed for efficient iteration and integration of design elements, highlighting the significance of leveraging diverse tools to achieve project goals. Overall, this experience has reinforced the significance of user feedback, iterative design processes, and interdisciplinary collaboration in building effective and user-friendly applications.

Carenet Health provides leading healthcare consumer engagement, clinical support, health advocacy, navigation solutions, and 24/7 medical care. Its mission is to drive top consumer engagement outcomes through a proprietary Intelligent Engagement model.

Carenet Health's marketing department struggles with planning, tracking, and managing campaigns due to reliance on multiple tools, causing confusion and delays. A unified, technology-supported solution is needed to streamline campaign management for internal teams and external vendors.

This project aims to propose a digital solution for the client, Carenet Health, to effectively manage marketing campaigns among various internal and external users.

For this project, my team and I, operating under the name Nextus, worked as consultants for Carenet Health.

We presented our ideas collaboratively as a group called Nextus.

Understanding the problem

Our Approach

To effectively address the challenges faced by Carenet Health's marketing department, we divided our research into several key components. This structured approach helps us gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem from multiple perspectives.

Internal Teams:

Understanding the roles and needs of internal teams is crucial for designing a solution that fits seamlessly into their workflows.

  1. Senior Management: We analyzed their oversight role to ensure the solution provides necessary visibility and control, facilitating smooth operations and effective feedback loops.

  2. Marketing Experts: We focused on their daily use of the program to identify critical features needed for monitoring metrics, task tracking, and campaign strategizing.

External Teams:

It is important to consider external users to ensure the solution supports all stakeholders involved in marketing campaigns.

  1. Vendors: We examined how vendors interact with the platform to ensure it allows easy access to assignment information and efficient updating capabilities.

Summary of Research Findings

A thorough summary of our findings consolidates our understanding and provides a clear direction for the solution.

  1. Consolidated Analysis: Reviewing the client's current management tools helps identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

  2. User Experience Insights: Understanding users' experiences and pain points allows us to address specific issues and enhance user satisfaction.

  3. Recommendations: Providing short-term and long-term recommendations ensures the solution offers immediate benefits while planning for future improvements.

Supplementary Research Methods

Supplementary research methods provide deeper insights and validate our findings, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

  1. Current State Analysis: Evaluating the current state of the marketing department's tools and processes helps identify existing gaps and areas for enhancement.

  2. User Interviews: Interviews with key stakeholders, such as Amy Hamilton and Samantha Miller, provide direct insights into specific needs and challenges.

  3. Personas: Creating personas helps us understand the diverse user base and tailor the solution to meet their specific needs.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

Key Challenges Identified by My Team and I:

  1. Unified Platform Management: Overseeing and managing all marketing campaigns on a single platform to reduce confusion and inefficiencies.

  2. Information Accessibility: Facilitating easy access to required information for all team members on the platform.

  3. Campaign Assignment: Grouping and assigning marketing campaigns to various stakeholders with different user access rights.

  4. Report Preparation: Efficiently preparing detailed reports for upper management.

  5. Current System Inefficiencies: Addressing the marketing department's struggle with planning, tracking, and managing campaigns due to reliance on multiple tools and trackers.

  6. Need for Streamlined Solution: Implementing a unified, technology-supported solution to streamline campaign management for both internal teams and external vendors at Carenet Health.

Problem definition

Multiple management tools, with their dispersed natures, leading to a lack of transparency and confusion among the internal teams and external vendors, results in inefficiency and delays in implementing marketing campaigns. 

How might we efficiently manage marketing campaigns with the internal team and external vendors?


UX theme: Effortless Empowerment

Designed to evoke a sense of mastery and control for users navigating our dashboard. Aim for users to understand the simplicity of the intuitive interface fostering confidence in their ability.

In our ideation phase, we focused on creating a top-notch user experience. We wanted users to feel empowered and in control.

  1. We made it a priority to make key information easy to access and management tasks simpler. Our goal was to help users make decisions quickly and get things done smoothly.

  2. Improving reporting for upper management was crucial too. We worked on making reports clear and helpful for decision-making.

  3. We also aimed to save time by reducing the need to switch between different platforms. By making everything more efficient and straightforward, we wanted to make sure users had a seamless experience.


As we crafted the prototype, our attention was dedicated to three main aspects:

Unified Management Dashboard: Our primary aim was to develop a cohesive interface allowing users to oversee key information and manage tasks seamlessly. We collaborated across Figma and Illustrator to design and iterate on the layout, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Enhanced Reporting Features: We worked on enhancing reporting functionalities, enabling users to generate comprehensive reports for upper management. Through collaborative efforts in Figma, we refined the dashboard's reporting tools, ensuring clarity and relevance in the data presentation.

Seamless Integration: Minimizing platform switching was a key focus. We coordinated between Figma and Illustrator to ensure a smooth integration of design elements, optimizing efficiency and coherence across the prototype.

Proposed Solution - A consolidated Dashboard

Presenting, Nextus!

The final solution was a consolidated dashboard for the marketing team, providing a comprehensive view of all marketing processes. This dashboard could also be accessed by senior management.

The dashboard consists of several pages catering to different aspects of management.


On the Overview page

Users can filter data by date and personalize the arrangement of the grid. It provides an overview of key analytics and active campaigns, including details on budget and schedule.

The Campaigns page

Allows users to add campaigns, apply templates, and manage tasks efficiently. Users can also access synchronized boards and initiate conversations using the chat icon.

The Schedule page

Offers a convenient way to organize tasks and campaigns. Users can download schedules, switch between month and week views, and view tasks due on specific days.

In the Budget page

Users can track budget allocations and expenditures. It displays proportions of projected and actual budgets, along with filters for different costs and dates.


Through the development of this app, I've learned the importance of user-centric design and the value of collaboration across different design tools. Creating a unified management dashboard required a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, which helped me prioritize features and streamline workflows. Collaborating across Figma and Illustrator allowed for efficient iteration and integration of design elements, highlighting the significance of leveraging diverse tools to achieve project goals. Overall, this experience has reinforced the significance of user feedback, iterative design processes, and interdisciplinary collaboration in building effective and user-friendly applications.

Carenet Health provides leading healthcare consumer engagement, clinical support, health advocacy, navigation solutions, and 24/7 medical care. Its mission is to drive top consumer engagement outcomes through a proprietary Intelligent Engagement model.

Carenet Health's marketing department struggles with planning, tracking, and managing campaigns due to reliance on multiple tools, causing confusion and delays. A unified, technology-supported solution is needed to streamline campaign management for internal teams and external vendors.

This project aims to propose a digital solution for the client, Carenet Health, to effectively manage marketing campaigns among various internal and external users.

For this project, my team and I, operating under the name Nextus, worked as consultants for Carenet Health.

We presented our ideas collaboratively as a group called Nextus.

Understanding the problem

Our Approach

To effectively address the challenges faced by Carenet Health's marketing department, we divided our research into several key components. This structured approach helps us gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem from multiple perspectives.

Internal Teams:

Understanding the roles and needs of internal teams is crucial for designing a solution that fits seamlessly into their workflows.

  1. Senior Management: We analyzed their oversight role to ensure the solution provides necessary visibility and control, facilitating smooth operations and effective feedback loops.

  2. Marketing Experts: We focused on their daily use of the program to identify critical features needed for monitoring metrics, task tracking, and campaign strategizing.

External Teams:

It is important to consider external users to ensure the solution supports all stakeholders involved in marketing campaigns.

  1. Vendors: We examined how vendors interact with the platform to ensure it allows easy access to assignment information and efficient updating capabilities.

Summary of Research Findings

A thorough summary of our findings consolidates our understanding and provides a clear direction for the solution.

  1. Consolidated Analysis: Reviewing the client's current management tools helps identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.

  2. User Experience Insights: Understanding users' experiences and pain points allows us to address specific issues and enhance user satisfaction.

  3. Recommendations: Providing short-term and long-term recommendations ensures the solution offers immediate benefits while planning for future improvements.

Supplementary Research Methods

Supplementary research methods provide deeper insights and validate our findings, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of the problem.

  1. Current State Analysis: Evaluating the current state of the marketing department's tools and processes helps identify existing gaps and areas for enhancement.

  2. User Interviews: Interviews with key stakeholders, such as Amy Hamilton and Samantha Miller, provide direct insights into specific needs and challenges.

  3. Personas: Creating personas helps us understand the diverse user base and tailor the solution to meet their specific needs.

Defining the problem

Key Challenges

Key Challenges Identified by My Team and I:

  1. Unified Platform Management: Overseeing and managing all marketing campaigns on a single platform to reduce confusion and inefficiencies.

  2. Information Accessibility: Facilitating easy access to required information for all team members on the platform.

  3. Campaign Assignment: Grouping and assigning marketing campaigns to various stakeholders with different user access rights.

  4. Report Preparation: Efficiently preparing detailed reports for upper management.

  5. Current System Inefficiencies: Addressing the marketing department's struggle with planning, tracking, and managing campaigns due to reliance on multiple tools and trackers.

  6. Need for Streamlined Solution: Implementing a unified, technology-supported solution to streamline campaign management for both internal teams and external vendors at Carenet Health.

Problem definition

Multiple management tools, with their dispersed natures, leading to a lack of transparency and confusion among the internal teams and external vendors, results in inefficiency and delays in implementing marketing campaigns. 

How might we efficiently manage marketing campaigns with the internal team and external vendors?


UX theme: Effortless Empowerment

Designed to evoke a sense of mastery and control for users navigating our dashboard. Aim for users to understand the simplicity of the intuitive interface fostering confidence in their ability.

In our ideation phase, we focused on creating a top-notch user experience. We wanted users to feel empowered and in control.

  1. We made it a priority to make key information easy to access and management tasks simpler. Our goal was to help users make decisions quickly and get things done smoothly.

  2. Improving reporting for upper management was crucial too. We worked on making reports clear and helpful for decision-making.

  3. We also aimed to save time by reducing the need to switch between different platforms. By making everything more efficient and straightforward, we wanted to make sure users had a seamless experience.


As we crafted the prototype, our attention was dedicated to three main aspects:

Unified Management Dashboard: Our primary aim was to develop a cohesive interface allowing users to oversee key information and manage tasks seamlessly. We collaborated across Figma and Illustrator to design and iterate on the layout, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Enhanced Reporting Features: We worked on enhancing reporting functionalities, enabling users to generate comprehensive reports for upper management. Through collaborative efforts in Figma, we refined the dashboard's reporting tools, ensuring clarity and relevance in the data presentation.

Seamless Integration: Minimizing platform switching was a key focus. We coordinated between Figma and Illustrator to ensure a smooth integration of design elements, optimizing efficiency and coherence across the prototype.

Proposed Solution - A consolidated Dashboard

Presenting, Nextus!

The final solution was a consolidated dashboard for the marketing team, providing a comprehensive view of all marketing processes. This dashboard could also be accessed by senior management.

The dashboard consists of several pages catering to different aspects of management.


On the Overview page

Users can filter data by date and personalize the arrangement of the grid. It provides an overview of key analytics and active campaigns, including details on budget and schedule.

The Campaigns page

Allows users to add campaigns, apply templates, and manage tasks efficiently. Users can also access synchronized boards and initiate conversations using the chat icon.

The Schedule page

Offers a convenient way to organize tasks and campaigns. Users can download schedules, switch between month and week views, and view tasks due on specific days.

In the Budget page

Users can track budget allocations and expenditures. It displays proportions of projected and actual budgets, along with filters for different costs and dates.


Through the development of this app, I've learned the importance of user-centric design and the value of collaboration across different design tools. Creating a unified management dashboard required a deep understanding of user needs and preferences, which helped me prioritize features and streamline workflows. Collaborating across Figma and Illustrator allowed for efficient iteration and integration of design elements, highlighting the significance of leveraging diverse tools to achieve project goals. Overall, this experience has reinforced the significance of user feedback, iterative design processes, and interdisciplinary collaboration in building effective and user-friendly applications.

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